This voice recording about a logistics project required some Spanish words and place names, as it was translated from the Spanish. Overseas clients like my British accent as they seem to find it easier to follow due to the absence of a regional accent.
I do a lot of work for a local voice recording studio, which is run by a male voice talent. When he gets requests for a female voiceover artist he often calls on me, especially for jobs that require European language pronunciations - I was brought up bilingual in English and French (and I speak German and Mandarin too), so I have a good ear for foreign language pronunciation. For this reason I am a frequent voice in tourist audio guides in overseas tourist attractions.
Being able to understand French, German and Mandarin and a lot of Italian makes it much easier for me when it comes to dubbing, too. Dubbing is a whole different challenge in the world of voice recording, but it's great fun and I have plenty of experience.
One of the challenges with some of the translated scripts is that sometimes they need proofreading and gentle rewording to make them flow and sound more natural. I offer this service too - my degree is in English and I have a proofreading qualification.
View my other work examples.